Saturday, April 28, 2012

Keep Up the Great Work!

As you can see on the right, we've had a few more donations come in!  Thanks to your help we are getting closer to our goal of building 8 keyhole gardens to start a school lunch program at Terrat Primary School.  We are so, so, so excited!!!

In addition to the money already received, we've had several people commit to donating, as well as some classes and schools agree to participate in a fundraiser for the project.  As the donations are actually sent in, we will continue to update the thermometer so you can track our progress.  We're hopeful that we may be able to raise enough money to build the gardens, as well as hopefully get the land surveyed for cost estimates for a well to be built (about $600 for the survey) to benefit the entire community around Terrat.

Keep up the great work!  Don't lose steam now.  You are giving hope and creating so much excitement here.  We thank you!!

Ben and some of the students at Terrat

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